Monday, July 21, 2008

Gas Not High Enough?

Apparently not to your elected officials.

Not only does the Democrat Congress refuse to even CONSIDER a Gas Tax Holiday, they are quietly trying to pass an 18 cent INCREASE in gas taxes. Check out the story here.

So let's get this straight:

Drilling for our own oil is out.

Nuclear Energy is out.

Drilling for our MASSIVE deposits of Natural Gas is out.

Heck, even WIND power is out if the Environut wing of the Democrat Party get's it's way.



I believe it is time for Republicans to stop talking about McCain and paste this little bit of info across the sky.

This is definitely the key to re-taking the majority.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake!!!

More on the 550 tons of Yellow Cake Uranium that Iraq supposedly didn't have and why nobody in the Lamestream Media is talking about it.

Check it out here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Not the John McCain that I knew......

It seems that everyone is suddenly awaking to find that they really don't know anybody.

B.Hussein.O :

"That's not the Tony Rezko I knew......"

"That's not the Jeremiah Wright that I knew...."

"That's not the Michael Phleger that I knew......,."

"That's not the Bill Ayers that I knew......................."

Now it turns out that John Kerry woke up in the midst of a revelation. I guess the John McCain that he BEGGED to be his vice-president in 2004 is not the John McCain that he knew!!

Check it out here.

WMD's Revisited

Interesting article from the AP (of all places) about the WMD's that were supposedly not found in Iraq.

Of course there will be no end of silly rationalizations designed to justif the intense hatred for Bush, but I can't help but wonder what B.Hussein.O would say about this?

Here is the link, spread it about folks!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

N.Y. Time Mag and Rush

Just got done reading this excellent article on Rush Limbaugh from this Sunday's N.Y. Times Magazine.

I gotta say that considering it is the Times I expected a hit-piece.

Not so.

In fact it is about the most well-balanced profile of the man I have ever seen.

Not slaveringly affectionate and not dripping with contempt and contradiction.

Oh, and it covers his drug addiction with a surprising amount of candor.

Check it out here.

Just Say No To Summerfest....

In the interest of full disclosure on the following, I should let you know that we saw our oldest off on Monday as he heads for Army Basic Training in Ft. Benning,GA.

In view of this, it kind of hits home that Summerfest has chosen to toss the U.S. Army off the grounds because they have a war-game simulation that is "inappropriate".


The sleazy rap starts that glorify crack, violence and the criminal underground, and who refer to the women in thier community as "Chickenheads", "Bitches" , and "Ho's" are no problem.

The acts at the rock stage who scream obscenities at the top of thier 50,000 watt lungs are no problem.

But the Army?

One of the institutions that enables the useless who occupy the Summerfest stages to do thier thing?

Guess they just don't measure up to the "high" standards of porno-kings and queens.

Nice going guys.