Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conservatives For Clinton??

Ya know, as much as I hate to say it, there really IS a legitimate argument for a conservative to vote for HRC this fall if she pulls out the nomination.

My thought process on this one gets a little convoluted, so please bear with me.

First of all, I acknowledge up front that Hillary is a LIAR, a CROOK, and a POWER HUNGRY TROLL who will say whatever she has to say, and do whatever she has to do to get elected.

Not only are these things not road-blocks for me, I am absolutely counting on these things.

If her history in her husband's administration is any indication (and it is the only indication we have at this point), many months and/or years prior to an HRC Presidency, Hillary is already thinking about her legacy.

Hillary does not want to be the 1st woman president and SUCK at it.

Knowing this, let us look at a little history:

Bill Clinton signed into law Welfare Reform after saying over and over that he would do no such thing.

Why? Because the American people demanded that he do so, and he cared what they thought about him.

Outcome? Good.

Though Newt Gingrich's Contract With America cannot be said to be a total success, many of the sub-provisions DID pass, many of them with a little help ( or with little resistance) from the Clinton Administration. Many of the government reform pieces passed in other bills.

Why? Again, the American people demanded these things.

Whether or not it was his giant ego, or a sincere desire to do the will of the American People, Bill Clinton was more likely to back down from outrageous policy (health care reform), or acquiesce to sound policy (welfare reform).

Bill Clinton wanted to be loved by all Americans, and judging by her behavior, there is no reason to expect that his wife will be any different, especially with the "First Woman President" tag hanging over her head.

Now, to the matter of John McCain.

John McCain is also a LIAR, a CROOK, and a POWER HUNGRY TROLL who will say or do anything to get elected.

Much like Bob Dole in '96, John McCain is running on the "You Ain't Got Nobody Else and It's My Turn Now Anyway" platform.

HRC and McCain are pretty much cut from the same cloth:

"Give me the nomination because I earned it".

Given that Hillary Clinton is totally full beans when she talks about all of the left-wing nuttery she will implement, it is not entirely beyond the realm of possibility that the inverse is true with McCain:

That every conservative line that comes out of McCain's mouth is a lie.

That he will do no such things when he gets in office, and that he does not give a FIG what the American People think about anything.

Why is this?

Quite frankly, he doesn't NEED to.

John McCain has only one core constituency that he really cares about: The Press.

3 years down the road, the people of Fond Du Lac, WI. could be burning him in effigy in their labor day parade, and McCain will not hear a whisper of it unless it comes from the Washington Press Corps and The N.Y. Times.

If anything, his history in such issues as McCain-Feingold show that he will have no compunction about trying to find a way to shut them down.

As long as the press continues to heap praise upon McCain, he will glide along comfortably as though there is nothing wrong.

Now ask yourself, Do you want The New York Times running this country?

So far in his career, there is every indication that these folks are ALL that McCain cares about.

In summation, let me put it this way:

Hillary Clinton will actually TRY to be a good, non-partisan president. If for no other reason than she does not want to become the next Jimmy Carter.

John McCain, if his own history is an indicator, will spend most of his time trying to get the liberal media to say good things about him.

This will mean:

Amnesty for Illegals

Higher Taxes


Global Warming Silliness

Just to name a few.

So in my mind, there is SOME reason to at least consider HRC if it is a McCain-Clinton fight.

This may all be moot depending upon how Clinton does the next few weeks, but it certainly is food for thought.

Of course, Barack Hussein Obama is a NUT surrounded by OTHER NUTS and probably stands no chance of getting elected, so the choice may be out of our hands.


4 years of "rule by press".

What is Dole doing nowadays?

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