Wednesday, April 16, 2008

McCain's Walk-In/Public Enemies

Why don't I update my blog more often, you ask?

Because I have a little bit of a life nowadays, and blogging is not my full-time profession.

I update when I have something to say, and today I have something to say. I would rather wait until something raises my interest than pretend that I am even REMOTELY interested in most of the useless info that passes for news nowadays.

Anyhoo, I see that the President of Iran has now jumped on board with the so-called "9-11 Truth" movement.

I know that I am supposed to be aggravated by this, but quite frankly I am delighted.

THIS is the guy that Barack Obama claims that he will "schedule a meeting with immediately".

I cannot wait for McCain's people to sit down and put Barack Hussein Obama's statements back to back with this fruitcake's ramblings.

It will make a winning television commercial for sure.

In other news........

They have begun filming the Johnny Depp/Christian Bale movie "Public Enemies" here in the Great Metropolis of Oshkosh, Wi. This is taking place just a couple blocks from my house.

I am sure that this going to be really good for the town. Kids are excited about it, people are lining the streets to watch the filming and all that. If the movie does ANY kind of business this is going to be a great memory for many people in the "I was there when they filmed that" type of story.

For me? This just means that it was a pain in the cat-flap to get to the library on Monday night, and that I have to wait 'til this is over to check if The Exclusive Company can get the "Dusk 'Til Dawn" soundtrack (They are open, I just don't want to run the gauntlet of movie fans to get there).

If you have nothing better to do, go check it out. Might be fun.

I have a feeling that my daughter wants to go but is showing just the right amount of contempt for the whole thing to please me.

May have to bite the bullet on this one......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anyhoo...glad to see you have something to say, again.. I do enjoy reading your blog, a side of dan that i find interesting...McCain could be a walk in, but his running mate is still an issue..Hillary....Well bill was enough, Obama, well if voted in??? I like to think he might be a quick learner and could do well..I do admit that the last sentance is a reach..Voters will [sorta] make the last choice. well...
Now to the pres of Iran [fruitcake] who was involved in the embassey take over, holacast never happened, Jews need to exterminated, but somehow he is the press of iran... enough rambling about that asshole...and
John depp....So glad the extra bucks and possible memeroys are happening in Sawdust city...If you can't get to the library, maybe you could find the info you need on line?..And----can " Dusk Til Dawn" what a week..?? Bite the bullet... writing skills lack, along with speling and punctuation..I even have time restraints too...