Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Shoulda took a left at.....

Interesting little tidbit that I notice is not getting very much play the last few days.

A former Gitmo detainee who jumped right back into the war and killed a few Americans.

But wait! I thought that this was impossible?

Isn't every detainee in Gitmo innocent according to the Dems?

This guy was supposed to be just a poor baker who forgot to take a left at Kandahar and ended up in Club Gitmo!

I would love to hear Barack Hussein Obama's take on this, but if it is anything like the answers on his psycho, racist pastor then I don't think that ANY of us have enough time left for him to play out that string.


Anonymous said...

What is McCain's middle name?

Anonymous said...


Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

Never trust anyone born in a canal zone.

Anonymous said...

The prisoner was sent back to Kuwait for trial on terrorism charges. He was acquitted and released.

Are you just pissed that we made a rudimentary effort at complying with international law?

Anonymous said...


If you were one-quarter as astute as you are trying to project with 10 dollar words like "rudimentary" you would know that the person in question was not covered by what passes for "International Law".

That said, you undermine your own argument. Apparently doing things by "International Law" gets our soldiers killed.

Better if we stick with the "throw away the key" policy.