Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cry Havoc! And Let Slip The Dogs Of War!

Well, it looks like Barack Hussein Obama has pretty much wrapped up the Dem nomination, which leads us to a McCain/Obama battle in the coming months.

I just want to say this right now on the record:

John McCain is going to be the next President of the United States.

I know that the local talk-show circuit (Sykes, Belling and the like) are pretty thoroughly convinced that BHO is going to have an easy time of it due to the unpopularity of Bush, but I ain't buyin' it.

My gut instinct tells me that I am not going to be the only one to come to the conclusion that BHO is probably the worst candidate put forward by either major party since Walter Mondale, and Mondale was a scholar compared to this cat.

That said, it is going to be interesting to see if John McCain, the candidate of the "Media Party", is ready for how fast his fans in the liberal media are going to turn on him.

Over the next few weeks, we will begin to see a slow turn.

John McCain is going to go from a "war-hero","moderate", and a "maverick" to a racist, bigoted religious zealot who is the last vestige of the OLD Guard and "out of touch".

You are going to hear "out of touch" alot.

In fact, over the rest of this campaign you can pretty much bank on the fact that the slightest criticism of Barack Hussein Obama is going to be labeled RACIST right off the bat.

Actual Objective Reporter:

What is your energy plan Senator Obama?


I am getting tired of this same old game of gotcha and gutter politics!

Actual Objective Reporter:

How could you sit for 20 years in the same church with Jeremiah Dice Clay and not know that he is a racist and a nutburger?


I am getting tired of the same old game of race-baiting and gutter politics!

I think you get the point. And there is no doubt that Chris Matthews and the like will be perfectly willing to help dig through John McCain's drawers in search of Confederate Flag Undies.

Strap your self in Johnny Boy!

You are in for one HELL of a ride!

The media is going to go at John McCain harder than they ever have in the history of this country.

As long as he realizes just how little they mean out here in the real world he will be fine.

If not, get ready for 4 years of watching the most unqualified President in history stumbling through the motions.

One good thing for Dems though:

Jimmy Carter may actually begin to appear competent by comparison.


Anonymous said...

McCain was on The Daily Show last night and was quite funny.

But not as funny as your prediction.

You got lucky last time. Let's make it interesting...

Sistereinstein said...

I am apathetic about who wins this year. I am not thrilled about McCain, (he leaves zero impression) and I certainly cannot see anything good about another Clinton being in office...and I certainly cannot see Obama being elected because he is black.

I am mad that Romney ducked out as fast as he did, and I will be even more mad if he lowers himself to being vp (just to be on poss fastrack to the big p).

Sistereinstein said...

Oh, and another thing...exactly what makes one qualified?

by the way you rant no one is qualified. They are either an idiot, a raving lunatic, or a liberal extremist.

Anonymous said...

Are there so many Barack Obamas in the world that we must a middle name?

Anonymous said...

You'll probably find this funny, too:

Huckabee made an off-color joke during his speech in Louisville, Kentucky, when a loud bang was heard off-stage.

"That was Barack Obama," Huckabee quipped, "He Just tripped off a chair. He was getting ready to speak. Somebody aimed a gun at him and he...he dove for the floor."