Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No Speech For You!!

I missed this one last week, but a friend brought to my attention this fine example of a "tolerant progressive" destroying the display of a group that he does not agree with.

This guy is part of the student government at University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.

I love how he goes on to ramble that folks who are pro-life have no right to that opinion.

I am kind of at a loss for words in trying to describe this guy, but I think Rush Limbaugh has a good one for folks like this:

"A Glittering Jewel Of Colossal Ignorance".

Yep, that just about covers it.

This is of course another reason why a college diploma is becoming more worthless by the day.

Especially if you are insane enough to send your child to a college in Wisconsin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the Pointers for Life had the right to put out their little crosses. I know I was moved by a display I saw in Madison last year where each cross signified a death in Bush's illegal war.

No tears fell when I saw the UWSP effort.

A better protest against those hypocrites in training would be to use little wooden crosses as fuel for a barbecue, and then grill up some squirrels. Minus their fur and tails they look just like little abortion-ready fetuses.