Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Aids and Armageddon/Reverend Wright & Co.

Years ago, a friend of mine was kind enough to turn me on to an album called "Triage" by the brilliant musician/songwriter David Baerwald.

It is a theme album built around various conspiracy theories that Mr. Baerwald no doubt still espouses.

"America....Bad Guy...Ugh".

It really is as close as one can get to looking inside of the crippled minds that are likely to latch onto fads such as the 911 "truth" movement, or the belief that the government created Aids in order to.....well I guess that whatever group they were trying to kill depends on which one is telling the story.

Now, by the time I first heard this music I was old enough to know better. I had matured beyond the strident belief that the CIA was cataloguing my every urination, but I enjoyed the music nonetheless.

Listening the last month or so to all the kerfuffle over the Reverend Jeremiah Wright really got me thinking about this cd. It also got me thinking about how miserable I was back in the day when I was likely to take such idiotic claims seriously.

How could one live with this belief and be happy? Wouldn't you want to get the hell out of this country if you thought that was true? Wouldn't you want to fight back?


Something other than annoying your relatives over Thanksgiving dinner?

The Reverend Wright (for those who are not aware) has stated forcefully from his pulpit in the not-too-distant past that AIDS was created by the U.S. Government in order to eradicate the black population.

As for 911, he has fluctuated back and forth between "chickens coming home to roost" and "inside job". I guess he is on the fence as far as how evil we are on that one.

The world of conspiracy theories is a dark, scary place, and I have to wonder sometimes how one can actually live there.

To my mind, it seems beyond the pale that a person who actually believes that his government is waging biological warfare on it's own citizen's would not be catching the first train to Toronto.

So how seriously do we really take these folks?

Just spitballin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard or read several of Wright's rants in their entirety. At the end of each, I really have a hard time determining if any of what he says is not true.

Wright is right and far more truthful than this administration has ever been.

To ignore all the good his church has done in the inner city of Chicago is even more white blindness. He's helping to solve problems our city, state and federal governments all fail at mightily.

Do you think the US does not commit terrorism?

The chickens are coming home to roost, and we can only pray they don't carry H5N1.