Friday, April 4, 2008

By The Pricking Of My Thumbs......

...............Something Wicked This Way Comes.

Ahh yes. It appears that "Operation Melt Down" is in full swing this morning on the Left end of the spectrum.

A bit of a dust up at a Hillary Clinton Event yesterday. Audio here.

Ted Turner unleashed yet another classic with his predictions of Cannibalism and his "observations" (hallucinations?) on the many virtues of Al Qaeda.

( I have to agree with Dennis Miller on this one. Turner is the last one who should have to worry about cannibalism, it is obvious that something inside of him has spoiled. Even dogs will be giving that stuff a pass).

Air America radio host Randi Rhodes has been suspended for talking smack about Hillary Clinton. It is damn funny btw, but beware that the language gets a little rough.

This is just a small sampling of the chaos currently a-bubbling on the left.

*sniff*..................*sniff*..........I think I smell Chicago 1968.............and it smells like roses.

I have to admit that I feel just a TAD bit evil taking pleasure in all of this, but I will get over it.

I am reminded of a character called "Mr. Dark" in Ray Bradbury's brilliant novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes".

In the movie version of the novel, Mr. Dark explains the nature of his people:

"Your torments call us like dogs in the night. And we do feed, and feed well. To stuff ourselves on other people's torments. And butter our plain bread with delicious pain... Funerals, marriages, lost loves, lonely beds " that is our diet. We suck that misery and find it sweet. We can smell the young ulcerating to be men a thousand miles off. And hear a middle-aged fool like yourself groaning with midnight despairs from halfway round the world. "

Not ENTIRELY applicable of course, but close enough.

"We suck that misery and find it sweet...."

Mr. Dark would have loved the Democrat Party.

Mmmmmm......tasty stuff.

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