Thursday, April 3, 2008

National VS. Local News

For those of you who still remember Soapbox Magazine, you might recall that my particular duty was a focus National politics vs. Local.

It was just after 9-11, The Iraq War was heating up, and Enron and Global Crossing had sent both Republicans and Democrats running to thier lawyers.

Ahhh.....Good Times.

Unlike now.

There are alot of things going on in the national arena, but they have been covered so much with the same talking points by ALL forms of media that I feel like I have a head full of wet cement every time I think about it.

I will just say this:

Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are both very weak candidates at best.

Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are both crazy joke candidates at worst.

Between the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the Imaginary Sniper Incident, neither one of them can really be taken seriously anymore, if they ever could be taken seriously to begin with.

I predict here and now that John McCain will have the easiest skip into the White House since the Reagan Revolution.

I can't help but feel that we are really only getting a slightly saner version of the two Democrat candidates even with McCain, but this remains to be seen I guess.

I really gotta wonder how sane you really CAN be if you have spent more than a few minutes talking to Russ Feingold, as McCain has.

That's bound to shake up the 'ol mental architecture a bit..


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